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UCDRA Bylaws and Slate Up for Review at May 13th Meeting

Dear UC Davis Retirees Association Member,

 The annual membership meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 13, 2021, beginning at 11:30 a.m. This meeting will be held via Zoom, registration will be required to be sent the Zoom link. Please let this letter serve as the official notice of the meeting.

 UC Davis Retirees Association
Spring Membership and Business Meeting
Thursday, May 13, 2021
11:30 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.
via Zoom

UCDRA 2020 Slate of Officers

UCDRA Spring Business Meeting Notice


The annual business and membership meeting of the Association is scheduled for Thursday, May 14 at 10 a.m. via Zoom. Please register to be sent further details. Please let this letter serve as the official notice of the meeting,


UC Davis Retirees Association

Spring Membership and Business Meeting

May 14, 2020

10 – 11:30 a.m.

Meeting will be held via Zoom; 

Link and details will be sent to registered attendees 1 week prior to meeting

Association seeks nominations for 2019 Outstanding Service honoree


Each year the UC Davis Retirees Association (UCDRA) Executive Board selects a UC Davis retiree to be honored on Picnic Day for outstanding service to the UCDRA, UCDavis retirees, campus and/or community.  The person selected will ride in a horse-drawn carriage during the Picnic Day Parade.  

Nominees Must:

Retiree Health Benefits Working Group Interim

 Interim Summary submitted and response 

The Retiree Health Benefits Working Group began meeting in January 2018 and submitted an interim report to UC President Napolitano on July 3. We received the President’s response to this report yesterday. I share both the interim report and the President’s letter with you now as attachments below. As you will note, given the projected very low rate of cost increase for health plans in 2019, few changes are recommended for next year.

Retiree Health Benefits Working Group

Interim Summary released

The UC Office of the President has just released a compilation of background materials that have been reviewed by the Retiree Health Benefits Working Group over the last many weeks. This “Interim Summary” is in response to requests that information be provided that can be shared more broadly. John Meyer of UC Davis, the Retiree representative will be reviewing this deck along with Emeriti representative to the Work Group, Roger Anderson, to determine if clarifications are required.

Retiree Health Benefits Working Group on track

 to deliver analysis by June 1, 2018

The 2019 Retiree Health Benefits Working Group, with representatives from key universitywide stakeholder groups, is making progress toward its charge — exploring potential strategies and developing options for UC leaders to consider to ensure the long-term financial viability of the retiree health benefits program. The group will evaluate the potential implications of available options to both UC and retirees, and present its analysis to UC leadership by June 1, 2018.

Retiree Health Benefits Working Group formed

 to study options for benefits stability

Following an extensive nomination process, the Retiree Health Benefits Working Group has been formed to explore options that will ensure the long-term financial viability of the retiree health benefits program and the quality of the benefits offered. The work pertains only to retiree health benefits; it does not affect UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) pension benefits.

Update on the UC Retiree Health Benefits Program

Over the summer, we notified you about a Regents Agenda item to "Rescind the 70 Percent Floor for the University's Aggregate Annual Contribution to the Retiree Health Benefit Program." Many university groups contributed letters requesting postponement of this agenda item until proper consultation across campuses and with retirees and emeriti could take place. Initial efforts resulted in postponing this agenda item to the November Regents meeting.

Read the full memo.