

The President of the UCDRA presides at all meetings of the Association and at all Executive Board meetings; appoints, with the Executive Board, committees as needed; and serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President also serves and/or appoints the Vice President of the Board to serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Executive Board of the UC Davis Emeriti Association.

Position duties:

In addition to the duties stated above, the President has the opportunity to provide leadership to the Board; set goals; and review agendas, meeting minutes, and related documents. The President represents the Association to other campus and health system entities by chairing or serving on committees, interview panels, planning processes or task forces. If the President is unable to accept some of these obligations the responsibility remains to assure representation. The President also serves as a voting member of the Retiree Center Advisory Committee. Further, the President is responsible for advocating causes of concern to retirees. The President continually seeks the input of others and is an enthusiastic leader of the group.

Timeline and Details:

  • The President normally serves for one fiscal year in office which will be from July 1 to June 30.
  • The President writes a minimum of three “President Messages” for the Campus Connections newsletter, thus allowing the President to share areas of interest with others.
  • The President is to be mindful of all deadlines, program needs, election processes, by-law changes, and general workings of the Association.


The President is selected through a nomination process conducted by the Nominations Committee and a member voting process occurring at the third UCDRA Business Meeting of the fiscal year.

Annual Report:

The President is to submit a one-page annual report to the UCDRA in June of each year that includes a summary of the activities and accomplishments occurring during the year. The report may also include future suggestions for the upcoming year.

Attendance at UCDRA meetings/events:

This position will attend the UCDRA board meetings. All board members are highly encouraged to attend association events, including quarterly membership meetings, noon talks and other events whenever availability permits.