Association Health Update

Dear Fellow Emeriti and Retirees,

Earlier this summer the UC Davis Emeriti Association (UCDEA) and UC Davis Retirees Association (UCDRA) officers were notified that the July Regents' Agenda had an item about rescinding the 70% floor for retiree and emeriti health insurance premiums. We were quite shocked by the lack of notice about this issue. We, along with other campuses, sent letters about the lack of consultation about this issue that is of direct concern to all of us, with a request to have the item withdrawn from the Agenda. Our collective voices were heard and the item has been moved to the November Regents meeting leaving time for proper consultation with all involved groups, including UCDEA, UCDRA, the Academic Senate and Staff Assembly among others. We have been told that the current shared health insurance premium formula where retirees and emeriti pay 30% of the premium and the university pays 70% will stay in place through 2018.

Read the full memo.